For Journalists

The Stanford News Service offers assistance to print, broadcast, and online media.

News Stories and Releases

Stanford Report
All the latest from Stanford University and a daily email roundup of news for and about the Stanford community.
News Releases
The Stanford News Service also distributes news releases to journalists via email.

Media Contacts

Media Contacts
Consult our list of media offices at Stanford when covering a story or event that involves the professional schools, the Department of Athletics, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, or various centers and institutes.

Photos, Video, and Broadcast

Photography and filming
Request photographs of Stanford individuals and events, obtain B-roll video, and find information about our broadcast facilities.


Communication policies
University Communications has oversight of policies regarding a variety of media-related topics, including privacy, filming, and photography on campus, and use of the university name, seal, and logos.


Archival materials

News Service Library
The News Service librarians can help you find archived news articles, press releases and photographs.
